Chapter 4 Summary

Looking through this module, I never thought that weather sites sold their data.  I thought, like almost any site that puts information out onto the web, that the data would be free.  Besides paying for access to some sites’ articles, I cannot speak of a time when someone had to pay for access to information.  Is this another one of those money-making schemes?  I find this to be a little silly that you have to pay for weather information of all things.

For me, I will have to save  I need to get some employment, and if I can get it conveniently, it will be in this manner.

I am also aware of things that are sold online.  It is convenient for the most part, and I would like to get around to buying something on the web, although currently any purchases I have made, besides having online purchases that are necessary for college, were in-store only, with my most recent purchase (besides trying to pay back my parents for something even though they said it was specially for me) was a 6-volt, 2.0-amp DC adapter from a Halloween retailer.  Next would be either a special microphone or a weatherproof adapter for the animatronics I have sitting in my room.  It probably is not the most useful, given neither of the animatronics are technically designed for the outdoors, but it would still be nice whenever they are put out for Halloween.

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