I began HTML coding in eleventh grade.  I learned a few fundamental things, and I even picked up some Java skills in the same grade to use in HTML pages.  I used what I learned to make a small game called "Movin' Monty" based on a Halloween animatronic.

I entered the CIS 145 class with Mr. Earl Weidner.  When he was starting to teach HTML for the first time, he had his students create little webpages with HTML tags with help from several websites.  I took part in the homework, and below is a list of all of the sites I perused to do the homework.

W3Schools I referenced this site to understand the use of div tags.  Generally, this site is a coding greenhorn's best friend, as it has a cornucopia of knowledge, especially with HTML tags.
GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks is almost what I would describe as a sort of wiki, but I feel that it is more than that.  It is in the style of a wiki, as users can make contributions, but I feel it is more of a peer-usable kind of deal.  Thanks to these geeks for each other, I used this article to reference the div tag.
Mozilla Developer Docs I learned to create quotes using the quote tag and a few other vitals for quote formation.  Unfortunately, I flubbed the homework and it did not come out the way I wanted it to.
This site can be very useful to website makers looking to understand HTML code, especially since it is from Mozilla themselves.