Chapter 3 Summary
Fun fact (exclusively for me): URL is short for uniform resource locator, because I get curious about acronyms and I have ironically never tried to search this up, which is ironic considering this module is about searches.
I did not know what it was possible to pay for a place on the query results. I suppose corporations will do whatever they must to make money. I did not think that it would go to the computer engineers, though.
I find the recognizable filetypes for Google to be peculiar. I do not know exactly which ones are for Google, but I see “ppt” and immediately think of Microsoft Powerpoint. It amazes me that the Google search engine actually recognizes these. Also, I find it interesting that one can narrow down search results based on file type. I tried it with jpg and png files, but I got no results. However, I did get PDFs for basset hounds when I typed that in. If in the future I write another research paper, it could help with narrowing results.
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